
Scroll on to get to know me!

Hi, I'm Bri Nguyen (she/her/hers)! I am a video producer and aspiring content creator based in Dallas, Texas. I am known for being self-motivated, open-minded, and am constantly looking forward to the endless possibilities that come my way. 
My love for filmmaking started at the young age of 6, when my parents handed me a camcorder on every family trip and let me roam. I started taking videos of tiny things like the reflection in ponds, a cool bug on a leaf, or a funny dog on the street. Little did I know that I would later find myself experimenting in narrative films with the Garland High School International Baccalaureate Programme for Higher Level Film Studies.
While my interest in creating visual images subsided, my passion for managing the pieces of a project flourished. It was not until I was in the Cinematic Arts Production program at the University of Texas at Arlington that I realized my superpower is in driving a project through from concept to distribution. I put these skills to the test through my service with the Vietnamese Student Association, serving in regional and national Media Staff and Media Director leadership positions for their flagship events. 
My work has shown at the Asian Film Festival of Dallas, Dallas International Film Festival, USA Film Festival, Dream Machine Film Festival, and even as a nominee for the Texas Indie Filmmaker Awards. I believe my skills and experiences have driven me to obtain unique perspectives in collaborative teamwork. My strong presence helps drive a project's efficiency, and I am a pro at bringing projects to life.
When I am not diligently working on schedules or rounding up crew, you can find me on camping trips with my dogs, exploring new places for matcha, vlogging for my therapist, watching Bluey, or sending the newest dyno climbs at the gym.
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